Fluoreite’s name comes from the Latin word fluor, meaning “flow,” but today, it is used to describe the crystal’s fluorescence.
Fluorite, also called fluorspar, common halide mineral, calcium fluoride which is the principal fluorine mineral. It is usually quite pure, but as much as 20% yttrium or cerium may replace calcium. Fluorite has a transparent or translucent appearance. Pure fluorite is transparent, both in visible and ultraviolet light, but impurities usually make it a colorful mineral and the stone has ornamental and lapidary uses.
Fluorite occurs most commonly as a glassy, many-hued vein mineral and is often associated with lead and silver ores. This crystal comes in no fewer than seven different colors depending on the chemical makeup of the quarry and surroundings in which it was formed. Sometimes it can be a colorless crystal, but other times it can also be purple, blue, green, yellow, or pink, or other combinations of these colors.
Throughout history, Fluorite has been one of the most prized of all crystals like in ancient Rome. Likewise, the ancient Chinese also held Fluorite in high regard, both for its beauty but also for its ability to bring about vivid, lucid dreams. In our days, it remains one of the most sought-after stones due to its rarity, unbelievable colors, and designs.
Fluorite occurs in cavities, in sedimentary rocks, in pegmatites, and in hot-spring areas.
China and Mexico are the world’s major producers of flourite; the mineral is also widespread in Russia, Brazil, and Spain. At one time blue john, a variety from Derbyshire, England, was widely used in ornamental vases and other objects